About Us

Providing hearing aids to those in need.

Help enhance the quality of life for men, women, and children with hearing loss.

Our Story

Help America Hear was established in 2004 as Foundation for Sight & Sound. The initial mission was to raise money to grant to other not-for-profits. The grants were used to start or continue projects that positively impacted individuals' lives in the “vision & hearing communities.”

During the sixteen years of operation, the organization slowly moved away from providing grants and creating its programs, which consisted of The Library Project, Trek Program, Scholarship & The Help America Hear Program. 

After careful consideration, in 2018, the Board of Directors determined it was becoming difficult to focus and provide adequate assistance for two different communities. A path was chosen to enable the organization to utilize the most viable partnerships and resources that provided direct results for the programs. In March 2019, Help America Hear Inc. was legally recognized as a New York State registered 501c3 not-for-profit charitable organization.

Our mission is to provide hearing aids through an application process to qualified individuals with limited financial resources who cannot obtain them independently and a scholarship to help fund educational opportunities.

Our Programs

  • In 2009, the Help America Hear Program was initiated to provide hearing aids nationally to men, women & children with limited financial resources who could not obtain them independently.

  • In 2011, Foundation for Sight & Sound created a variety of scholarships for vision & hearing challenged high school seniors heading to college for the first time.

  • In 2019 The Help America Hear Scholarship was revised only to provide a financial award and state-of-the-art new hearing aids to high school seniors with hearing loss heading to college for the first time.

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